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Work-Life Balance: Reality or Myth pt. 1

So for me, no, work life balance is not a myth. It’s absolutely something that’s possible and something that I practice. And I insist that we all practice as a team, because I found that when you don’t actually leave time for yourself and the team to reflect on why it is they’re doing things, you find yourself caught in an inefficiency loop.

Every day, and especially every week, to have dedicated time where you’re not actually doing your thinking. Think about this. If you’re shooting arrows and not aiming, how many arrows are you going to have to shoot before you actually hit the target? Versus, if you spend two minutes aiming before you shoot, how many will you have to shoot?

Shoot, maybe just one compared to maybe 10, 20. So just think about the impact of your output relative to the time you’ve spent aiming.

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