The biggest regrets entrepreneurs have experienced have revolved around these 3 core actions: Starting, Sticking and Quitting. I watched Blessing Abeng and Seth Godin, 2 marketing geniuses trade thoughts for 15 minutes and these are three core tips I picked from the conversation: Start where you are with the smallest viable project: Do not come…
Adekunle Adebiyi is the Vice President of MBO Capital Management Limited with over 15 years in investment banking, consulting, telecommunications, operations management and private equity. On Tuesday 9th of June, he joined us for ‘The Soaring Series’ on Ingressive Capitals’ Instagram Live chat in conjunction with The Spark NG. This session with Adekunle…
It is an exciting time when you are ready to take your product to the market. At this stage, you should have found a market where your business can generate revenue. So how do you go about creating a solid revenue model? There are several factors to take into consideration when you set…
Social media today is a tool you need as an entrepreneur to communicate with customers, market your products, increase sales, brand awareness and build a community around your business. However, according to social media statistics from 2019, there are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, and the list is ever-growing. Which means it is harder…
According to the dictionary, a time of crisis is an intense and difficult period, but in the world of business and entrepreneurship, this is a time of opportunities and innovation, from experiences, the best businesses come out of the worst times. Facebook, Google, Flutterwave, Andela and most notable start-ups started during one crisis or the…
In simple terms, financial literacy means knowing the language of Finance. Now more than ever, it is very important to understand that there are layers to this definition and its application to improve financial decisions. According to the OECD, Financial Literacy is “A combination of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude and behaviour necessary to make sound…