Founders! Celebrate Your Small Wins!

Celebrating small wins!
I know it sounds kind of cheesy, but it’s actually really important to ensure the sustainability of your business. What I mean by that is, imagine if you have a goal that’s going to take you 10 years to achieve or 5 years to achieve. In the meantime, what are you going to do? Just be suffering? Just not be celebrating anything? Just be hoping one day you’ll get to where you wished that you could be.?
The other thing about celebrating small wins is it causes a dopamine release. So you have your big, hairy, scary goals, and you break them into daily activities, monthly activities, quarterly activities, annual activities, and each time you can check off one of those daily activities, there’s a little dopamine hit that happens in your brain. It’s the same feel good sensation, you know when you’re scrolling and you just find yourself addicted in there and just sort of in a meditative state of just engaged in the scroll? It’s kind of like that. That same little feel-good of like release through your body happens when you get to check off the small one.
I’ll say, one of mine. Last night, I had an event that I do every month called “Overflowing Cups.” It’s where I bring together women who are leaders in their respective industries and also kind people. They’ve invested in their own well-being and betterment, and thus are overflowing and have the capacity to now invest in others. And we come together, share things, try to support each other, and share where we need support. The win that I’m celebrating is that I’m able to create this space where I feel safe and welcome and filled with love and community. That’s my win. So what are your small wins? Drop in the comments what you’re doing today to celebrate your small win.
Maybe applying to Ingressive Capital will be one of them.
1 Comment
Small wins can sometimes be the key to overcoming feelings of inadequacy. They remind us that we are capable and deserving of success.