Mopelola Lauretta Ajegbile Press Kit

Short Bio

Lauretta works with the Communications & Growth team at Ingressive Capital, a fund backing the next generation of African unicorns, with a commitment to being the most impactful VC on their cap table.

She has spurred investments in health-tech as well as female-founded companies like HealthTracka, built strategies to create more deal-flow opportunities, manage relationships with portfolio companies, and facilitated global partnerships to increase positive perception of the fund within the Tech Ecosystem.

Lauretta focuses on empowering young women, black and female founders as the first black female mentor at the FastForward U initiative, an accelerator created by The Johns Hopkins University.

She holds a master's in Public Health from The University of Edinburgh.

Long Bio

Lauretta works with the Communications & Growth team at Ingressive Capital, a fund backing the next generation of African unicorns, with a commitment to being the most impactful VC on their cap table.

She has spurred investments in healthtech as well as female-founded companies like HealthTracka, built strategies to create more deal-flow opportunities, manage relationships with portfolio companies, and facilitated global partnerships to increase positive perception of the fund within the Tech Ecosystem. Prior to joining the fund, Lauretta lead initiatives to improve equity and outcomes in marginalized populations across Africa. Using business, economic, and public health models to direct policymaking and sustainable development at national levels, she impacted the health of over 200,000 individuals in remote communities.

Lauretta focuses on empowering young women, black and female founders as the first black female mentor at the FastForward U initiative, an accelerator created by The Johns Hopkins University. She is an active member of the technology community and a frequent contributor to numerous philanthropic initiatives. She is also an active member of world-class networks with accomplished entrepreneurs like The Health Systems Global, Women in Global Health, Ashoka, and many more. 

She earned a bachelor's degree in Microbiology from Babcock University and proceeded to The University of Edinburgh for a master's in Public Health, where she served the school of Molecular, Genetic, and Population Health Sciences as a student representative for an academic year.

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